A selection of trusted suggestions for our spiritual and physical harmony

Yoga and tai-chi, holistic nutrition and fasting, thai-massage courses, reiki and healing therapies, meditation retreats and so many other amazing things are happening in Greece every year that we never hear about. In this site we have gathered many and since there is no financial interest, our suggestions are purely from the heart. The ones we feature are the ones that we know of, the ones we’ve been to, given from people that are on the spiritual path, brothers and sisters, all committed to the same path. We want to share the benefits and the joy we have received with everyone, so enjoy surfing the so many fascinating 'different' holidays you could have this year by taking care of your body, mind and spirit!

Friday, 30 September 2011

Kula Celebration IN BARCELONA

       31st December 2011 - 7th January 2012

.....New Years Eve Alternative and Flying Sacred Dance at OmShanti, Barcelona, Spain

Welcome 2011 with joyful consciousness... !

16h AcroYoga Jam!

The gathering starts with a massive freestyle jam. A safe space to play, share… and have fun.

20h Organic Dinner
Organic and delicious with Raw option! Cooked with love

22h Live Music with Dave Stringer
Live performance to celebrate the entrance of the New Year. Mantras in spanish, euskera, catalan, English, Sanskrit, and… who knows… maybe more!

Flying Sacred Dance - Thai Massage & AcroYoga
Jan 1st to 7th 2012

Come ready to give and receive, to learn and share, to go deep and play…

Thai Massage with KrishnaTaki
We will discover the infinite possibilities of Thai Yoga Massage with new moves, techniques, skills & flows. Place your mind aside and allow your intuition to guide your step!

AcroYoga with Isis, Wari, Pau… and so many AcroFriends!!
This blend of Yoga, Thai Massage & Acrobatics will bring our massage to a whole new dimension. Giving, receiving, therapeutics, acrobatics, … ready to turn your world upside-down?

All levels welcome
No partner necessary
Yoga and Thai Massage experience recomended
Course offered in English and Spanish


Krishnataki, originally from Greece, has been teaching Thai Yoga massage, Chavutti Thirumal and yoga since 1998 having lived and studied in Thailand and India. He is passionate about organic farming, Chinese medicine, cooking and nutrition and incorporates aspects of yoga, meditation and Qi Gong into all his courses. He is a senior massage teacher of the Sunshine Network, and has trained with Thai massage masters Pichest Boonthume and Chayuth Priyasith among others.
Find out more: www.thaimassage.gr

Isis, Wari & Pau share same parents, Jordi & Dolors, and same mission, Omshanti Yoga. Wari was the first to jump in the spiritual path and short after Isis & Pau followed his steps. Yoga has been their major discovery and Soma (www.witryh.org) their greatest teacher. The Omshanti project got started 5 years back and has only been growing since then. Since 2007, AcroYoga is a big part of the scene at Omshanti and all three brothers, Isis, Wari & Pau, have become certified AcroYoga teachers. Yoga is the foundation, Thai Massage is the connection with others and Acrobatics is the playful spice to this perfect blend.

Find out more: www.omshanti.cat/teachers


OMSHANTI YOGA. Studio in Granollers, outside hills of Barcelona. Very well connected to Barcelona and the city main airport.


We have several options for acommodation:

· Shared rooms on thick mats at Omshanti –very limited space-
· Double rooms in a nearby 3* hotel with low-rates for Omshanti students.

Accommodation at Omshanti is simple and austere. If you feel the need for comfort and private space we highly recommend booking a room at Hotel Iris.


From Barcelona Airport: Take a train directly to GRANOLLERS CENTRE. Once in the airport ALL trains will go in the right direction. There is a train every 30 minutes and the ride takes 1 hour.
Schedule: www.renfe.es/cercanias/barcelona/index_horarios.html

From Girona's Airport: Take a bus directly to Granollers Bus Station.
Schedule: www.sagales.com/index.php?nIdioma=LANG3

If you miss the Granollers bus you have to go to Barcelona by bus, take the Metro to CLOT ARAGO and then a train to GRANOLLERS CENTRE.


For more information contact Wari, Pau or Isis at alegria@omshanti.cat or visit www.omshanti.cat

Xmas Thai Yoga Massage Beginners

18th - 28th December 2011......Winter is the end of all seasons. Unification with thiselement means allowing the yin principle to manifest - becoming more receptive and introspective. Cold and darkness drive us to seek inner warmth. It is a time to rest, meditate deeply, refine spiritual essence and store physical energy. This is what we will try to share during our Christmas course, using Thai Massage as a vehicle for this journey of self discovery. Christmas is also a time of boundless consumerism and so to bring awareness to the simple things in life, is the biggest gift we can offer to ourselves and to others.

Our TEACHING is inspired by the Dhamma and instruction of two Thai massage masters Chayuth and Pichet of Northern Thailand, as well as the teachings of Asokananda and the beautiful combination of YOGA, THAI MASSAGE, VIPASSANA and METTA. True Thai massage cannot exist without this melting pot of healing ingredients.

Our main focus on this course is to HEAL OURSELVES on the path to helping others heal. We call on a variety of techniques (Yogic, Taoist, Sufi) to help connect to our deeper, higher selves in order to ignite the spiritual healing flame. We also focus on the nutritional aspect of food, which can be the simplest of ways to nutrure us on a daily basis.

The course offers a PRACTICAL TRAINING on the Art of Traditional Thai Yoga Massage. We travel, day by day, from the feet to the head with daily demonstrations, theory and practice time. We provide our own instruction manual and CD of chantings from Asokananda “Meditations in Babylon”. Our courses usually have many assistants, both Greek and from other countries, who bring colours and diversity to the practice, some of whom are fellow teachers of the Sunshine Network.


Day 1: Introduction to Thai massage, Feet, Energy lines
Day 2: Single leg exercisesDay 3: Double leg exercises

Day 4: Stomach, Chest, Arms, Hands

Day 5: Side position

Day 6: Back

Day 7: Back

Day 8: Sitting position – shoulders, neck, head

Day 9: Face, theory, practice

Day 10:Evaluation

Day 11:Therapy/Herbal Compress

* Arrival Day is 17th December - arriving at 6pm (latest) for evening welcome*

* We will have a special Christmas celebration and ceremony*

Daily Rhythm....
06.30 - 08.30: Meditation & Yoga
08.30 - 10.00: Hearty Breakfast
10.00 - 13.00: Thai Massage session 1
13.00 - 15.30: Lunch & Siesta
15.30 - 18.30: Thai Massage session 2
18.30 - 20.00: Acroyoga / Qi Gong / Steam Bath
20.00 - 21.00: Dinner
21.00 - 22.00: Metta Meditation & Bhajans

Upon completion of the course a certificate of attendance from the International Society of Thai Yoga Massage (Sunshine Network) is awarded.

The course is open for complete beginners, repeaters and advanced students, as well as bodyworkers of other therapies.

We usually recommend that the students new to Thai Yoga Massage practice on as many people as possible (average around 50) – close friends and family before making it a means to earn a living. Although the true, traditional practice of Thai massage was always donation based. With practice, experience and heightened sensitivity the massage goes deeper and awareness of different bodies helps us develop our intuitive touch.

General information & bookings: info@thaimassage.gr (Kerys/Takis)
Greek Landline: 00 30 22210 55 109
Greek Mobile: 00 30 6972 710 516
Spanish Mobile: 00 34 679 657 526

Sunshine House
Odos Neofitou , Agios Nikolaus
Bourtzi, Halkida
34100 GREECE

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Sacred Womens Teaching with Vivian

Sacred Womens Teaching with Vivian
3rd - 5th June 2011 
.....In ancient times women were taught in a "Red Tent" setting by elders. This tradition has been lost in our culture of alienation and lack of reverence for our elders. In these lost traditions, women and men were taught how to become a woman, a mother and finally an elder. Through this workshop based on Native American Sacred Women's teachings, passed to me by Laura Shurts through her teacher Nanatasis, I will introduce you to these sacred teachings and assist you in your transformation.

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Hatha & Vinyasa Yoga Weekend with Marianthi Achliopta & Fotini Chatzistamati

Tao’s Center is happy to host Marianthi Achliopta & Fotini Chatzistamati with their Hatha & Vinyasa Yoga Weekend.
The weekend workshop will be held in Greek.

For more details & registration please contact Marianthi: mariefleure@yahoo.com Tel.: 6972 44 03 09

Tuesday, 19 April 2011


Ο Παύλος Παυλίδης και η Αθηνά Παραουλάκη, οργανώνουν φέτος το καλοκαίρι workshop πάνω στην ψηφιακή φωτογραφία.

Το workshop απευθύνεται σε όλους όσους αγαπούν τη φωτογραφία και δεν είχαν την ευκαιρία μιας πιο συστηματικής βιωματικής προσέγγισης.

Το πενθήμερο workshop, φιλοξενείται από τον Νίκο Κανταράκια στους χώρους των "Studios Aphrodite" στη Σκιάθο, από το Σάββατο 25 έως την Τετάρτη 29 Ιουνίου 2011. Η προσέλευση των συμμετεχόντων υπολογίζεται να γίνει μία μέρα πριν την έναρξη και η αναχώρηση μία μέρα μετά την ολοκλήρωσή του.

Το ημερήσιο πρόγραμμα περιλαμβάνει πρωινή (10:00-15:00) και απογευματινή (19:00-21:00) συνάντηση στο χώρο του σεμιναρίου που βρίσκεται σε ένα ειδυλλιακό σημείο κοντά στη θάλασσα.
Στο workshop θα παρουσιασθούν βασικές αρχές σύνθεσης της φωτογραφικής εικόνας, τεχνικές λήψης, μέθοδοι αρχειοθέτησης και επεξεργασίας της ψηφιακής φωτογραφίας και θα γίνει μία πρώτη προσέγγιση της καλλιτεχνικής φωτογραφίας.
Επίσης θα γίνει προσπάθεια να ανακαλύψει ο καθένας από τους συμμετέχοντες το δικό του φωτογραφικό ύφος μέσα από συζητήσεις πάνω σε φωτογραφικές ασκήσεις που θα έχουν ήδη δοθεί, παιχνίδια, εξορμήσεις, προβολές, μελέτη του έργου μεγάλων φωτογράφων και κριτική φωτογραφιών.

Το κόστος ανέρχεται στα 350 ευρώ ανά άτομο και περιλαμβάνει τη συμμετοχή στο σεμινάριο καθώς και 6 διανυκτερεύσεις σε ενοικιαζόμενα δίκλινα δωμάτια δίπλα στη θάλασσα. Λόγω περιορισμένου αριθμού συμμετεχόντων, καλό θα ήταν οι ενδιαφερόμενοι να δηλώσουν συμμετοχή έγκαιρα. Θα τηρηθεί σειρά προτεραιότητας.

Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες σχετικά με το workshop:

Παύλος Παυλίδης
Τ. 6945297090

Monday, 18 April 2011


Tai Chi Ch’uan Intensive Retreat
With Lester & Krishnataki
23rd-29th May 2011

- A week's intensive retreat OPEN TO ALL LEVELS. Beginners will discover the rudiments of tai chi and experienced practitioners may deepen their practice. Daily schedule includes tai chi stretches and exercises, chi kung, martial arts training and applications of the form, meditation, steam baths, chanting and delicious meals direct from the organic garden of the sunshine house. The qualities of the buddha dhamma sangha will be brought to life; connection to Higher Self, a path to deepen that connection and experiencing the support and strength of spiritual community.
The seminar is taught in English and Greek (if necessary).

Monday, 28 February 2011

Spirit Harmony Guides you to retreats around Greece and the world

A retreat serves the body, mind and spirit by allowing time to find greater inner peace. When you find inner peace, you move the world toward peace. This is why it is vital to escape from the world’s bombardment of sounds and images and take time for the mind and heart to come to stillness.

Why retreat?
People go on retreat for a number of reasons that generally focus on positive personal change:
  • Reconnect to your true self
  • Learn and practice methods to better yourself and your life
  • Relax at a deep level
  • Rejuvenate your Spirit
  • Take time for reflection
  • Gain clarity on an issue or your life path
  • Find meaning in your life beyond daily or material concerns
  • Heal
  • Practice your Faith
  • Contemplate
  • Create

Types of Retreats:
Retreats vary as widely as the people who go on retreat. Sites for a retreat include spas, cabins, monastery guest houses, hot springs, ashrams, zendos, and bed and breakfasts. Some people prefer to go to a non-place for a retreat, such as an isolated camping spot. A retreat can also include activities like vision quests and pilgrimages. Services for retreats range from fully catered organic meals, to facilities where you bring your own food and cook your own meal; from full room service, to not only having to make your own bed, but also change the sheets for the next guest; from expressive actions and singing during classes, to required silence at all times (but most retreats are very quiet places that focus on contemplation, even if group sessions get rowdy.)

Who Can Retreat?
Personal retreats are most often taken alone, because a solitary retreat allows for the greatest time for self-reflection. Group retreats often focus on classes or events, and are therefore more suitable for groups of people. Some retreat centers require that each person retreat as an individual; others allow couples and groups to share accommodations; still others separate people based on gender.

Religious Affiliations:
Most retreat centers are affiliated with a religion. Some require that you adhere to their faith, others are open to all faiths. Some centers require that you participate in services and activities even if you do not adhere to their faith. The "Faith" category in the listings on Retreat Finder indicates the faith of a retreat center and if the center is open to people of other faiths.

Work Exchange:
Some retreat centers require that you to perform some amount of work exchange or chores such as washing dishes. This is often why the cost of the retreat is so low. The "Work Exchange" box on the Accommodations tab of the listings on Retreat Finder indicate if a center requires these small services.

What to Wear on Retreat:
Casual, comfortable clothing is appropriate most retreat centers. However, clothing requirements can run the gamut from special clothing for religious services, to no clothing for hot springs. If you are traveling to somewhere unfamiliar, you may want to check with the retreat center about the local weather so see if an extra sweater or umbrella is needed.

What to Bring on Your Retreat:
Retreat centers vary so widely, some are like camping, others are closer to resorts. Therefore, please inquire with the retreat center if you need to bring special items such as flashlights, bathing suit, yoga mats, zafu, etc.

We hope that this information is helpful to you. If you have any specific questions, please feel free to ask the retreat center you are interested in attending. Retreat Center staff are welcoming and kind, and are willing to answer any question you may have.

Concerning Meditation and Retreats 
This awakening of the awareness of your own being is freedom, because it frees the mind from its tendency to become obsessed with things, people, etc. It will bring the being who has been lost in the world into focus. You will begin to see not only the world you are involved with, but also the being, you, who are involved in it, as they are. This awareness will result in the experience that your existence is a gift, a blessing, a joyous continuum. The pain and suffering we go through in life is a result of our obsession with the world, while not seeing the true nature of the world or ourselves. Simply, this unawareness of our true nature is the source of all the pain in life.
Venerable R. Somaloka, Australian Buddhist Vihara
Concerning Silent Retreats:
Silence is the soul’s oxygen, "the true friend who never betrays," wrote Confucius; "the one and only voice of God," according to Melville. In silence, you can hear your soul’s guidance.
From Entering the Castle by Caroline Myss, Free Press, NY, NY 2007
Concerning retreats in general:
The alchemical vessel of meditation retreat is very powerful. The Tibetan word for retreat, samlado, means, literally, "to sit or stay within boundaries," and the retreat situation is a place where the boundaries within which you live are defined specifically for the purpose of meditation. These boundaries may demand not speaking, not reading distracting literature like newspapers, and meeting only specific people. There may be defined geographical boundaries beyond which you do not go, and specific activities performed each day. The body, speech, and mind are placed within this context- the vessel- and whatever arises from the unconscious is what you work with. So long as you maintain your self-discipline, the energy of whatever arises is held, and transformation can take its course. This can make retreat uncomfortable, particularly over long periods.

Retreats, whether they focus on meditation, yoga, or other modalities, allow for deeper immersion—the long bath. Here we can sink deeply into our practice. Retreats empower us to develop our meditation skills and rewire our nervous systems, shedding habitual patterns no longer useful to us. After a good long soak, we leave infused with a renewed sense of peace and confidence, and a healthy pride in our practice. 
Brian Spielmann, Outreach Coordinator, Shambhala Mountain Center