A selection of trusted suggestions for our spiritual and physical harmony

Yoga and tai-chi, holistic nutrition and fasting, thai-massage courses, reiki and healing therapies, meditation retreats and so many other amazing things are happening in Greece every year that we never hear about. In this site we have gathered many and since there is no financial interest, our suggestions are purely from the heart. The ones we feature are the ones that we know of, the ones we’ve been to, given from people that are on the spiritual path, brothers and sisters, all committed to the same path. We want to share the benefits and the joy we have received with everyone, so enjoy surfing the so many fascinating 'different' holidays you could have this year by taking care of your body, mind and spirit!


28-29 May 2011

Following the massive success of the Charity Bike Aegina Raid.....Here comes… Our Big Fat Charity Bike ride Weekend……No. 2 !

This time it’s the fantaboulous Isle of Evia and the terrain is wide dirt track…


Saturday 28th May

Approximately 40klms

Catch the 8:15 ferry from Rafina to Marmari….Follow an awesome, dramatic, magnificent off road bike ride along the coast to Karistos, Bouros, Kastri and Livadi. Surely THE best coastal bike ride in the world…Don’t forget your swim wear boys and girls !

Night at the family run beach side Galaxy Hotel...Enjoy an evening meal and free wine…hopefully better than on Aegina ; )....and traditional party afterwards with dancing of course...Not sure if we can beat the Anatoli Hotels PARTY though...but we will try!

Karistos, Evia

Sunday 29th May

Approximately 20klms

Get up and awaken your cycling muscles for a bike ride to Myli and return to Marmari port for the ferry, through picturesque mountain villages…


For those of you who booked for Aegina and were put off by the weather…DON’T make the same mistake this time !!!

Cost of Weekend :-
12 euro per person for the ferry (return ticket)
20 euro per person for a shared room at Galaxy Hotel
15 euro per person for evening meal(including free wine)
10 euro per person for Charity donation

TOTAL: 57 euro (surely the bargin of the year!)

Accommodation and Bikes :-
Please book the Galaxy Hotel direct. Contact number is 2224022600.
We have a limited number of mountain bikes available and the cost for the weekend is 25 euros bike hire. Payment must be made for these bikes 1 week before departure in cash at our Psirri office, Karaiskaki 13 Street, 105 54 Athens.
There will be transportation arranged for luggage

For any further information please contact us at info@bikegreece.com

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