A selection of trusted suggestions for our spiritual and physical harmony

Yoga and tai-chi, holistic nutrition and fasting, thai-massage courses, reiki and healing therapies, meditation retreats and so many other amazing things are happening in Greece every year that we never hear about. In this site we have gathered many and since there is no financial interest, our suggestions are purely from the heart. The ones we feature are the ones that we know of, the ones we’ve been to, given from people that are on the spiritual path, brothers and sisters, all committed to the same path. We want to share the benefits and the joy we have received with everyone, so enjoy surfing the so many fascinating 'different' holidays you could have this year by taking care of your body, mind and spirit!


Spring Yoga Retreat at the Tao's Center, PAROS
with Irana Ji An

The Shakti Flow Yoga retreat with Irana Ji An is a holistic body & mind experience, combining profound yoga practice with a Greek Island happy and peaceful vacation.

Morning session starts with sitting Zen meditation in the tranquility of the newborn day, followed by active meditation that will take you into this space where in & out are becoming one. You will finish with Pranayama and Asana flow, awakening your vital energy and senses.

Noon time is spent at cozy beaches, finding solitude as well as company, or taking a ride through the picturesque locations of this magical island.

Afternoon session is for correcting postures, answering questions, relaxing, sitting meditation and experiencing life through light and brightness.

The Shakti Flow Yoga retreat, Monday to Saturday, consists of five morning sessions (9:00-11:30) and four afternoon ones (18:00-20:30).
The retreat is offered in a package that includes 7-day accommodation in near-by family hotels and houses, with limited number of places.

Shakti Flow Yoga retreat: Monday to Saturday,
360€ for the retreat

The Shakti Flow Yoga retreat is offered in a package that includes 7-day accommodation in near-by family hotels and in a near-by villa:
Eleana Hotel: 465€ for sharing a room; 70€ addition for staying alone.
: 535€ for sharing a room; 70€ addition for staying alone.
Villa package: 635€ for sharing a room; 140€ addition for staying alone.

For more details & registration, please contact us:
Email: taos@taos-greece.com
Tel.: +30 22840 28882